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Safe and cheap
self storage in Tallinn

Are you looking for an affordable and safe self storage space in Tallinn? Renting a sea container is a simple way to store your possessions in a safe and cost-efficient manner. 

We offer different spaces from 3.5 m² to 28 m². Price starts at 39€ / month. We provide our services to all, be they private individuals or businesses. It is possible to conclude a rental agreement without leaving home for exactly the period you need.

Our self storage containers are located in Мänniku tee 108b, Tallinn


drive right up to the storage


24/7 surveillance and access


price starts at 39 € / month


[ENG] Rendi laoruum

€ / month
the longer the period, the better the price


14 m² self storage for 50 eur/month

The offer is valid for new customers and the minimum rental period is 3 months.

Self storage prices and sizes

“S” – 3,5 m²

(1,5 x 2,4 x 2,4 m)



“M” – 7 m²

 (2,9 x 2,4 x 2,4 m)



“L” – 14 m²

(5,9 x 2,4 x 2,4 m)



“XL” – 28 m²

(12 x 2,4 x 2,4 m)



How to rent a self storage?

What are the steps of the rental process?


Select the container size from the menu at the top and add Your personal information.

Confirm and pay

After making your selection, we will draft a contract and send you an invoice.

Start to use

You can start using the storage space immediately after payment.

What can be stored in our warehouses?

Self storage is a convenient, safe and affordable solution for storing things.
We store furniture, tools, wheels, tires as well as construction materials and equipment. Larger sea containers can also accommodate motor vehicles or watercraft.

Frequently asked questions

What is a shipping container?

A sea container is a widely used means of transporting and storing goods. It is safe, dry and ventilated. The sea container is generally uninsulated and has the same temperature as outdoors. The container can be closed with a padlock.

Where are the warehouses located and how secure are they?

The self-storages are located in Tallinn at Männiku tee 108b. The territory is closed and under constant surveillance. Customers are guaranteed access 24/7.

What are the sizes of warehouses?

“S” – 3,5 m² 

1,5 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

“M” – 7 m² 

2,9 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

“L” – 14 m² 

5,9 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

“XL” – 28 m² 

12 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

What makes us different from other self storages or garages?

We have no height or length restrictions. Whether You’re with a trailer, tall van or truck, You can still drive right to the door of your mini store. We also offer a significantly better price than other warehouses.

Can we help with the moving?

Yes, our partner can help You with the transport of goods, if necessary.

For how long can the warehouse be rented?

The minimum rental period is 1 month and the maximum according to Your needs.

Frequently asked question

Mida kujutab endast merekonteiner?

Merekonteiner on laialt levinud vahend kaupade transportimiseks ja ladustamiseks. Ta on turvaline, kuiv ja õhutatav.  Merekonteiner on üldjuhul soojustamata ning seal on sama temperatuur nagu õues. Konteineri sulgemine käib tabalukuga.

Kus asuvad minilaod ning kui turvalised nad on?

Minilaod asuvad Tallinnas aadressil Männiku tee 108b. Territoorium on kinnine ning pideva valve all. Klientidele on tagatud ligipääs 24/7.

Millised on miniladude suurused?

“S” – 3,5 m² 

1,5 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

“M” – 7 m² 

2,9 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

“L” – 14 m² 

5,9 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

“XL” – 28 m² 

12 x 2,4 x 2,4 m

Mille pooles erineme teistest miniladudest või garaažist?

Meil puuduvad kõrguse või pikkuse piirangud. Olenemata sellest, kas oled haagise, kõrge kaubiku või veoautoga saad ikkagi sõita vahetult oma minilao ukse juurde. Samuti pakume oluliselt soodsamat hinda.

Kas merekonteineris on võimalik hoida mööblit, riideid, raamatuid?

Loomulikult, pakkige oma asjad lihtsalt korralikult ära.

Kas saaksime aidata kolimisega?

Jah, meie koostööpartner aitab Sind vajadusel asjade transpordiga.

Kui kauaks saab sõlmida rendilepingut?

Minimaalne rendiperiood on 3 kuud ja maksimaalne vastavalt Sinu vajadusele.

Customer feedback


Tänan operatiivse koostöö eest. Kui vaja uuesti konteinerit rentida, pöördun kindlasti teie poole!


Kindlasti pöördun uuesti kui sarnane vajadus peaks tekkima ja soovitan samuti ka teistele!


Aitäh meeldiva koostöö eest! Olite mulle tublisti abiks remondi ajaks!


Thank you for your cooperation and prompt response!


Mulle oli konteiner suureks päästerõngaks. Kui kunagi veel peaks vaja minema, pöördun kindlasti esimesena Teie poole!


Tänan väga hea ning lihtsalt ja mugavalt kasutatava teenuse eest. Kasutan seda vajaduse tekkides kindlasti ka edaspidi


Tänan sellise hea ja lihtsa ladustamise lahenduse eest! Kui tulevikus veel kiirelt pinda vaja, siis tean kuhu pöörduda!